Beat and Rhythm Definitions
Beat is the steady pulse in music. Like a heartbeat or ticking of a clock. The Beat is measured in Beats per Minute (BPM) and can have a slow, medium, or fast Tempo (speed of the music).
Rhythm is a sequence of sounds and silences that form a pattern in music. Rhythm is measured in duration of the sound or silence.
Rhythm is a sequence of sounds and silences that form a pattern in music. Rhythm is measured in duration of the sound or silence.
In music there are rhythmic symbols to tell us how long or short a sound or silence will last. Below are rhythmic symbols that you will see in music.
How to count rhythm
Click on the link below to learn how to count each rhythm.
Sixteenth Notes and Sixteenth Rests
Eighth Notes and Eighth Rests
Quarter notes and Quarter Rests
Eighth note off the beat
Dotted Quarter Notes
Half notes and Half Rests
Dotted Half Notes
Whole Notes and Whole Rests
Counting in 6/8
Sixteenth Notes and Sixteenth Rests
Eighth Notes and Eighth Rests
Quarter notes and Quarter Rests
Eighth note off the beat
Dotted Quarter Notes
Half notes and Half Rests
Dotted Half Notes
Whole Notes and Whole Rests
Counting in 6/8